Welcome to Dynasty Nerds League Classifieds Section. You can view league openings as well as post your own leagues opening below. Here are the ground Rules.
- Please include as much info about the league as possible.
- league format and set-up(Dynasty, super-flex, etc)
- Scoring(Standard, PPR, etc)
- Orphan Teams(please post image or list of existing teams and future picks
- Payment Structures
- Link to Sign up or Join League if possible
- No Spam, Offensive Language or images
- Violators will be removed from future postings or site
- All post will expire after 30 days. Please share your post link on any social media platform for others to view.
- Once opening is Filled please remove the post from the site.
- Join at your own risk…make sure you verify league authenticity prior to exchanging any money. we recommend League Safe for all Leagues.
- Any questions or to report abuse, please email leagues@dynastynerds.com